It has been seen that at the end of 1815 and early in 1816 List had written three reports on the need to reform the administration. One of the most influential members of the committee which received these reports was Freiherr von Wangenheim, the registrar of Tiibingen University,34 who had written a book which examined the principles upon which a constitution should be based.3s Wangenheim regarded List as an exceptionally able official whose reforming zeal deserved encouragement. In February 1816 a memorandum on the state of the administration was submitted to the Wiirttemberg assembly. It was almost certainly written by List. Here List criticised a document that defended civil servants - a document already presented to the assembly. He renewed his attack on civil servants for the inefficient and slovenly manner in which they conducted public business - this time he took Ulm as his example - and he suggested that six prizes should be offered for the best essays on topics concerning the reform of the administration.36