In every successful project, a core network of improvement leaders link up to work through the multitude of decisions needed at each step. That includes, users, front line personnel, team leaders, trainers, project managers, planners and senior managers. Achieving that success involves more than traditional project management. • In the early stages when choosing the best option, there is little hard data to guide design decisions you need a process to engage with users and evaluate options to find the best one. Not easy when you are working with new ideas and technology; • Once the preferred option is identified, there is a need for all stakeholders to digest increasing levels of detail to manage the glide path to day one production and beyond. Not easy when the project is running alongside current operations with day to day pressures on resources and attention. Early Equipment management integrates these work streams to guide design, specification and delivery through both sets of project landscapes. The outcomes include better project specifications and close management of the glide path to day one operation. EEM also collates and transfers lessons learned from each project to improve lower operational life cycle costs and delivery time for new assets, products and services.