Among the Sustainable Development Goals the global community has committed to achieve by 2030, apart from SDG 4 (Quality Education), five others SDG 1 (Elimination of Poverty). SDG 5 (Gender Equality), SDG 8 (Good Jobs and economic growth) and SDG 17 (Partnerships to achieve the goals) require individuals and institutions to reskill and upskill themselves. How to embark on such a process for adult learners by leveraging educational technology continuously being upgraded by global digitization and advances in pedagogical design is the topic of this blog and elaborated in Sheila Jagannathan’s “Reimagining Digital Learning for Sustainable Development” which is an impressive compendium of recent thinking, case studies, evidence, strategies and more from renowned experts on #elearning and #open learning to modernize learning in institutions, during this time of rapid and unprecedented change and especially post-COVID.